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What to Do in Cases of Eye Bag Surgery Gone Wrong

Eye bag surgery, or blepharoplasty surgery, has become an increasingly popular procedure for those looking to rejuvenate their appearance. It promises a youthful, refreshed look by removing excess skin and fat from around the eyes. However, as with any surgery, things can sometimes go awry. If you've found yourself in the unfortunate situation where your eyelid skin removal surgery has gone wrong, it's crucial to know the next steps you should take to rectify the issue.

Here, Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors takes a look at what to do when your eyelid surgery goes wrong.

Identifying the problem

Recognising that something has gone wrong post-surgery is the first step towards resolving the issue. Given the sensitive nature of the lower eyelid after surgery, even minor complications can have significant ramifications, affecting both your appearance and quality of life. To gain a clearer understanding of what might have gone wrong, here are some common problems you might encounter:

Asymmetry between the eyes

One of the more frequent cosmetic issues post-eyelid surgery is asymmetry between the eyes. This could manifest as uneven eyelid removal, different upper eyelid heights, or dissimilar contours around the eye area. While some degree of eyelid asymmetry is natural, a noticeable imbalance can be disconcerting and may require corrective procedures.

Excessive scarring

Though scarring is a normal part of the healing process, excessive or hypertrophic scarring can be problematic. Not only does it affect the aesthetics, but in extreme cases, scarring could lead to functional issues, such as restricted eye movement.

Bleeding or haematoma

Post-surgical bleeding or haematoma (a pooling of blood outside the blood vessels) can cause discomfort and swelling. Immediate medical attention is essential in such cases to reduce the risk of infection and other complications.

Dry eyes or tear duct issues

Eyelid surgery can sometimes affect the tear ducts or create dry eyes. This condition can be uncomfortable and may lead to other issues with lower eyelids like redness, irritation, or even infection if not treated promptly.

Vision impairment

Though rare, some individuals experience vision problems following eyelid surgery. These issues can range from blurriness and double vision to more severe complications, such as loss of vision. Immediate medical intervention is required in such situations.

Pain or discomfort

While some level of pain or discomfort is to be expected during the healing process, persistent or intense pain could be indicative of an underlying issue, such as nerve damage or infection, that requires urgent attention.

Signs of infection

Infection is a serious concern after any surgical procedure. Symptoms can include redness, swelling, excessive warmth in the area, pus, or a foul smell. If you suspect an infection, seek medical assistance as quickly as possible to prevent it from spreading or causing further complications.

Emotional or psychological symptoms

It's also worth mentioning that physical symptoms can be accompanied by emotional or psychological strain. If you find that you're overly concerned, anxious or stressed following the surgery, it may be indicative of a problem that needs addressing.

By being vigilant and identifying any of these issues early on, you'll be better equipped to take prompt action. The next steps often involve consulting medical professionals for accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.

Consult your surgeon immediately

When you've identified that something has gone wrong with your lower eyelid after surgery, the immediate course of action should be to consult the surgeon who performed the procedure. Here's a more detailed look into cosmetic eyelid surgery, why this is vital and what steps you should follow:

Schedule an urgent appointment

Don't delay in booking an appointment, as some complications may require prompt action to prevent further issues. Most plastic surgeons will also make an effort to accommodate postoperative emergencies or concerns, so make sure to state the urgency when contacting the clinic.

Document your concerns

Before your appointment, take the time to document your concerns clearly. If possible, take photos of the affected area from multiple angles under consistent lighting. This will serve as valuable evidence and will help your surgeon understand the nature and extent of the problem.

Prepare a list of questions

A well-prepared list of questions can be invaluable during your consultation. This could include queries about:

  • What may have caused the issue?
  • What are the potential solutions?
  • Are there any additional risks involved in resolving the problem?
  • What are the expected outcomes of any further treatment?

Be open but firm

It's natural to feel a range of emotions, from disappointment to anger. However, try to maintain an open yet firm line of communication. Be clear about your concerns and expectations, but also listen carefully to your surgeon's assessment and recommendations. This is a crucial stage where mutual trust and open dialogue are essential for determining the best path forward.

Review postoperative care guidelines

Sometimes complications arise due to misunderstandings or lapses in postoperative care. Review the guidelines you were given to ensure that you've followed all steps correctly. If you find a discrepancy, discuss it openly with your surgeon.

Understand the treatment plan

If your surgeon proposes a treatment plan to rectify the issue, make sure you understand every aspect of it. This includes the procedural steps, any additional costs, risks, and the expected recovery timeline.

Request medical records

It's advisable to request a copy of your medical records, including the specifics of your original procedure and any follow-up appointments. This documentation may be crucial, especially if you decide to seek a second opinion or legal advice.

Take notes

During the consultation, make sure to take detailed notes. This will help you remember all the essential points discussed and could prove invaluable if you need to refer back to what was said later on.

By approaching the follow-up consultation with your surgeon in a thorough and organised manner, you stand a better chance of resolving the issue satisfactorily. This is the first, essential step in understanding what went wrong and how best to correct it.

Seek a second opinion

While your initial surgeon should be the first point of contact when something goes awry, there are scenarios where seeking a second opinion becomes not just advisable, but necessary. Whether you doubt the competency of the original surgeon, or simply want an independent review, a second opinion can provide valuable insight and options. Here's how to go about it:

Why seek a second opinion?

Confirmation: sometimes a second opinion is sought purely for the peace of mind that comes from hearing the same diagnosis or treatment recommendation from another professional.

Alternate treatments: different surgeons may have different expertise or experience, and could suggest alternate methods for correction that you weren't previously aware of.

Trust: if trust has been eroded between you and your original surgeon, a second opinion can be the first step in finding someone new to address your concerns.

Finding a qualified surgeon

When seeking a second opinion from an eyelid surgeon, you should look for another board-certified ophthalmic plastic surgeon who has specific experience in eyelid plastic surgery only. Professional organisations and accredited medical websites can help in identifying such specialists. Additionally, referrals from friends or family who have undergone similar procedures can be invaluable.

What to bring

Be prepared to present the following to the second surgeon:

  • Medical records from your original surgery
  • Postoperative photographs
  • Notes or documents from consultations with your initial surgeon
  • A list of medications you are currently taking, if any

Questions to ask

Similar to your first consultation, prepare a comprehensive list of questions. You may wish to ask:

  • Do you agree with the initial diagnosis and treatment plan?
  • What would you do differently?
  • What are the risks involved with your recommended approach?
  • How much experience do you have in correcting issues like mine?

Financial considerations

Note that second opinions might incur additional consultation fees. If corrective or revision surgery is advised, clarify how this will affect your financial responsibilities. Sometimes insurance might cover the costs, particularly if it's deemed medically necessary.

Follow-up and next steps

Once you've gathered all necessary information, it's time to weigh your options. You may choose to proceed with your original surgeon, opt for the second, or even seek a third opinion. Whichever route you take, ensure you're comfortable and confident with your choice.

By seeking a second opinion, you’re taking an active role in your healthcare, ensuring that you have all the information required to make informed decisions about moving your lower eyelid surgery forward. This process can be vital in addressing complications from lower eyelid surgery more effectively, and ensuring the best possible outcome.

Opt for revision surgery—is it the right step or a path to further upset?

The prospect of revision surgery often looms large when dealing with the aftermath of an eyelid surgery gone wrong. While this option might appear as the logical next step for correction, it's essential to tread cautiously. Revision eyelid surgery carries its own set of complexities, risks, and emotional tolls. Here's what you need to know to assess whether opting for revision eyelid surgery is indeed the right course of action for you.

Assessing the feasibility

Before even considering another surgery, it’s critical to get a thorough medical evaluation. Multiple consultations may be necessary, possibly involving other specialists such as ophthalmologists or even psychologists. The feasibility of revision surgery depends on various factors like the nature of the complication, your overall health, and whether adequate tissue remains for another surgical intervention.

Decide on the timing

Timing can be crucial when considering a revision. Your body needs time to heal, and sometimes issues that seem significant shortly after surgery may resolve naturally with time. A hasty decision might not only be unnecessary, but could also worsen the problem.

Assess the surgeon's expertise

Revision surgeries are often more complicated than the initial procedure, due to factors such as skin removal and scar tissue. Ensure that the surgeon you choose for a revision is highly experienced in corrective procedures and can present a clear plan for how they intend to remedy the issue.

Risks and complications

All surgeries come with inherent risks, such as infection, bleeding and anaesthesia complications. Revision surgeries often have an elevated risk profile due to the existing surgical modifications and possible scar tissue. It's crucial to understand these risks fully and weigh them against the potential benefits.

Emotional and psychological impact

The emotional toll of going under the knife again should not be underestimated. Feeling as if you have to 'start over' can be draining. Consult a psychologist or counsellor to help navigate these emotional complexities.

Financial considerations

Revision surgery can be expensive. Additionally, insurance companies may consider it a cosmetic procedure, making you liable for all costs. Ensure you're aware of all financial implications before proceeding.

Second or even third opinions

Given the high stakes, seeking multiple professional opinions before making the decision is advisable. These consultations can offer varied perspectives and may even present alternative and less invasive corrective options.

Knowing when to step back

Lastly, it’s crucial to acknowledge that sometimes the best course of action might be to not proceed with a revision. If the risks outweigh the benefits, or if experts advise against it, it may be wise to look into non-surgical alternatives, or even to accept certain imperfections.

Take legal advice

In some cases, if your eyelid surgery has gone wrong due to what appears to be negligence or malpractice, seeking legal advice becomes an essential step. Legal guidance not only provides you with a way to understand your rights, but may also help you secure compensation for the physical and emotional trauma you've endured. Consulting specialised solicitors like Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors can be invaluable in such situations.

When to consider legal action

Legal action may be considered if:

  • There is substantial evidence of medical negligence.
  • You've suffered irreversible damage, either cosmetic or functional.
  • There’s been a failure in providing adequate aftercare.
  • The surgeon did not obtain informed consent.

Contact us 

If you have experienced problems following eyelid surgery and think they are the result of negligence, talk to our expert cosmetic surgery negligence team today. Call 0808 159 2405 or request a call back by completing the contact form.

Contact us today

If you have experienced problems following eyelid surgery and think they are the result of negligence, you may be entitled to make an eyelid surgery claim for compensation. Talk to our expert cosmetic surgery negligence team today. Call 0808 273 2903 or request a callback by completing the contact form.

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Mike Saul


Michael Saul is a partner at Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors, where he brings his extensive specialist legal expertise and passion for helping people to the forefront of his work. With a proven track record of success in cosmetic surgery negligence cases, Michael has dedicated his career to providing clients with the highest level of representation and achieving favourable outcomes.

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