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Breast Surgery
Carla underwent breast augmentation and uplift surgery in 2013 that resulted in the left breast being a different size to the right breast, and it was also in the wrong position.
Breast Surgery
Rachel Kidd underwent bilateral breast augmentation and uplift surgery at a private clinic in Yorkshire which went wrong.
Breast Surgery
Carol underwent a series of 8 cosmetic breast operations and suffered numerous problems, resulting in physical and psychological injuries.
Breast Surgery Eyelid Reduction Surgery Facelift
We successfully represented Sandra following facelift, eyelid and breast augmentation surgery which had resulted in significant physical and psychological injuries.
Breast Surgery Liposuction Breast Surgery Liposuction
Zoe underwent liposuction to the stomach and breast augmentation surgery which went wrong, leaving Zoe with numerous injuries that required correction.
Breast Surgery
Ms E’s surgery was performed negligently as the surgeon failed to inform her
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